How to create a catchy CV when you work in IT
First things first: format, photo and contact details Let's start with the general format of your CV. To make reading easier and faster, choose a CV...
According to the blog of Amanda Johns Vaden, it only takes seven seconds to make a first impression on another human being. Within this short time, our brains perform a thousand computations and judge whether someone is trustworthy, confident, likeable or competent.
Image by © LinkedIn Sales Solutions via Unsplash
Published in Our tips
Most of the time, we are focusing on what to say to make a good first impression. But how many words is it possible to say in those seven seconds? After the regular greetings and a quick introduction of yourself, there isn’t much time left to be convincing, and a decision has already been made.
In fact, the study shows that only 7% of the first impressions are based on the words you’ll say. Which means than the rest of someone else’s opinion (93%) is built on other parameters: what they’ll see and what they’ll hear.
Even if a virtual interview eliminates direct contact with the interviewer, you still have a chance of making a good first impression. It should still be taken seriously and conducted formally.
How can you leave a good first impression on a video interview?
Good internet connection, microphone, webcam, charger...
There is probably an hour planed for your interview. Don’t waste time! Make sure that you are fully ready when it starts - not just on the day of the call.
Did you know that up to 95% of online meetings start late? People often need to fix something during the meeting: problems joining the meeting, problems with technology or equipment. It can be very frustrating when this kind of situation already happened several times during the day. Especially in the current context where most of the meetings are happening online.
A video interview is still an interview, even online.
Yes, you’ll probably do the interview from your apartment. But this is still a business appointment where you try to show your best side.
Dress as you would dress for a job interview on site - and in full. Even if your interviewer may not be able to see the lower half of your body: your jogging pants might affect on your appearance and your self-confidence during the interview.
Too many candidates have to slouch to fit into the camera frame!
You should choose a neutral background, a quiet environment, a good lighting...
A video interview offers you the possibility to set yourself in the best possible visual environment, which is an advantage on physical interviews in unknown territory. You will also probably feel more confident and secure in familiar surroundings. But even if you are conducting the interview from home, you should take it just as seriously as an interview with a potential employer on site.
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First things first: format, photo and contact details Let's start with the general format of your CV. To make reading easier and faster, choose a CV...
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