CodeOp: supporting a more inclusive tech world
Codewhat? We are really happy to share our excitement about being invited for a second time by CodeOp to conduct two workshops during their career...
Codewhat? We are really happy to share our excitement about being invited for a second time by CodeOp to conduct two workshops during their career...
Lina International HR & Office administrator What makes you smile? My job allows me to provide a strong corporate identity for Ekkiden: I’m always...
Predictable Revenue: Turn Your Business Into a Sales Machine with the $100 Million Best practices of Written by Aaron Ross & Marylou...
How would you define the ‘right person’ for a project? It’s a very good question!
OpenClassrooms It's one of the most famous platforms in the training sector. Available in French and English, it offers many topics for our greatest...
Not just a no! We are perfectly aware that the way of dealing with a no will have an impact on their life. The communication and feedback is always...
Take advantage of an ecosystem full of opportunities At Ekkiden, we want to break away from the traditional pattern of consulting companies and build...
Welcome to Ekkiden! Well, no, the story is a bit more complex than that. It's not an easy task to create a different, human, and innovative company...
🎓 Opportunities to learn and evolve Humans are naturally driven by exploration, learning and growth. And Ekkiden strongly encourages this mindset...